Daw Thin Thin Khaing has been a customer of Fortune Fund Myanmar since 2014, and has been working in the main family business, a convenience store, since 2003. Her husband drives a motorcycle taxi, and they have two sons, who they send to school.

Over the years, as a group loan customer of Fortune Fund, the loan amount granted to her has continued to increase. She has put all these funds to good use by increasing the types of products she sells in the store, including rice and oil, which are of high demand. Her plan is to use future loans to further increase the shop variety and inventory to make their business more successful.

Having unable to complete her studies, Daw Thin Thin Khaing dreams of providing her sons with the best education possible. Her excellent relationship with Fortune Fund has allowed her to work toward this dream. She is grateful for the friendly loan officers, low interest rates and convenient fortnightly repayments, which give her peace of mind and allow her to focus on her business and family.


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